BRICS+ CTF - SSS (Part 1): There is this really scary CTF challenge...
I'm depressed after trying to solve this...
4 October, 2023 | 10 mins
M0lec0n CTF 2023 - MIKE
I didn't solve any Crypto challenges but my teammates carry 🥰
15 May, 2023 | 6 mins
Midnightsun CTF 2023 - IKEA
Lately, I haven't been playing CTFs much... So I was kinda dumb on everything. Anyways, I encouter a nice RSA Crypto challenge on MidnightCTF.
12 April, 2023 | 4 mins
Casino 2 - Attack on gorand - TETCTF-2023
Sometimes random has a pattern...
10 January, 2023 | 21 mins
Glitch in the matrix 2.0 - ISITDTU 2022 Quals - Writeup
Probability and whatnot...
17 November, 2022 | 16 mins
::: Made with (❤️ && 😭) by Mistsu :::
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