I didn't solve any Crypto challenges but my teammates carry 🥰
15 May, 2023
1102 words
6 mins

For a while now, after the death postponed activities of u0K++, I've got a chance to join in idek team (thanks lanleft so much because I'm incredibly socially awkward...). I really like the guys there, they are so vibrant, fun and incredibly smart. I'm not any of those descriptions though, and so, in this CTF, I sliently watch them carry 😗


This challenge provides a some sort of Diffle-Hellman key exchange-ish- protocol in the form of 64x64 matrices in ZZ. The premise is very straight-forward. You're given:

  • A matrix Q = B * B.tranpose(), B unknown and random.
  • 2 matrices M1, M2 generated from Q and unknown matrices U1, U2:
M1 = U1.transpose() * Q * U1 M2 = U2.transpose() * Q * U2

The challenge has 2 matrices S1, S2 that act as the shared secrets to this protocol.

# Yeah, these 2 things are the same :3 S1 = U1.transpose() * M2 * U1 S2 = U2.transpose() * M1 * U2

It seems like the challenge would be impossible if the matrices U1, U2 are any arbitary matrices, so a condition is added for their generation:

N = 64 def find_poly(): while True: n = random.randint(2, N - 1) d = gcd(N, n) m = n // d if m > 1 and not is_prime_power(m): return cyclotomic_polynomial(n) def circulant_gen(): h = 1 R = QuotientRing(ZZ[x], x^N - 1) for i in range(100): f = find_poly() h = R(f * h) v = h.list() l = N - len(v) for i in range(l): v.append(0) M = matrix.circulant(v) return M # key exchange U1 = circulant_gen() U2 = circulant_gen()

Anyways, the goal is to recover flag from its encrypted enc value, which is created like this:

ss = hashlib.sha256(str(S1).encode()).digest() enc = bytes([x^^y for x, y in zip(FLAG, ss)]) print(enc.hex())


This challenge has my brain go buckeroo 😵‍💫, because I don't know what to focus on. At first, I thought the polynomials used to create the matrices Ux has something important to do with all of this, but all of that just go to nowhere. My teammate A~Z had an idea of using QuadraticForm do something with the factorization of matrices, but I had no idea what that is (and still doesn't). After a while, he also abandoned that idea as well and realized the actual solution thanks to the suggestion of 蛋捲鯛魚燒.

From here, let's just refer to matrices M1, M2 as MM and U1 and U2 as UU.

In the end, it turns out everything just tie into the fact that UU matrices are circulant. For more details, you can visit this link. But for a recap, a circulant matrix is an nxn matrix that has this form:

[c0cn1...c2c1c1c0...c3c2c2c1...c4c3cn1cn2...c1c0]\begin{bmatrix} c_0 & c_{n-1} & ... & c_2 & c_1 \\ c_1 & c_0 & ... & c_3 & c_2 \\ c_2 & c_1 & ... & c_4 & c_3 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ c_{n-1}& c_{n-2} & ... & c_1 & c_0 \\ \end{bmatrix}

The circulant matrix has a bunch of properties, one of them is AB=BAAB = BA which allows this protocol to work (S1 == S2). However, 蛋捲鯛魚燒 realized that it has a very special property:

Indeed, it turns out EVERY CIRCULANT MATRIX has the same set of (normalized) eigenvectors! Which means that given a circulant matrix UU, it doesn't matter what UU is, as long as it's circulant, we can know PP in UU's diagonalization form U=PDP1U = PDP^{-1}. Quote Wikipedia:

However, we still doesn't know what DD is in this case. But here's the cool stuff: We can find DD through MM and QQ. Let's write MM in terms of PP and DD:

M=UTQU=P1TDPTQPDP1\begin{matrix} M & = & U^T & Q & U \\ & = & {P^{-1}}^T D P^T & Q & P D P^{-1} \\ \end{matrix}

What's great about this is that you can multiply PTP^T to the left of MM and PP to the right of MM and you can see some sort of symmetry:

PTMP=DPTQPD\begin{matrix} P^T M P & = & D P^T Q P D \end{matrix}

Let f(M)=PTMPf(M) = P^T M P and now we have:

f(M)=Df(Q)D\begin{matrix} f(M) = D f(Q) D \end{matrix}

Because DD is a diagonal matrix, A~Z has a very interesting insight:

After we get DD, we find U=PDP1U = PDP^{-1}, which then we can compute S1 -> ss -> solve flag!!!

Solve Script

from sage.all import * from ast import literal_eval import hashlib # EVERY nxn circulant matrices has a fixed # set of eigenvectors, which can be computed very # easily based on the roots of unity. # https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Circulant_matrix N = 64 C = ComplexField(4096) w = exp(2 * C(pi) * C(i) / N) # Read outputs from file. lines = open("output.txt", "r").readlines() Q = Matrix(ZZ, N, N, literal_eval(lines[0])) M1 = Matrix(ZZ, N, N, literal_eval(lines[1])) M2 = Matrix(ZZ, N, N, literal_eval(lines[2])) enc = bytes.fromhex(lines[3].strip()) # This allows us to diagonalize circulant # matrices very easily. # ( Let U1 = P D1 P^-1, U2 = P D2 P^-1 ) P = [[w**(i*j) for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)] P = Matrix(C, P) # But we don't want to diagonalize it, # instead, we take advantage of this property: # U = P D P^-1 # => U.T = P^-1.T D.T P.T # = P^-1.T D P.T (since D.T == D) # Let f(M) = P.T * M * P # => f(M) = D * f(Q) * D fQ = P.T * Q * P fM1 = P.T * M1 * P fM2 = P.T * M2 * P # This means # f(M)[i, i] = D[i, i]^2 * f(Q)[i, i] # => D (or D1, D2) is recoverable. # => U (or U1, U2) is recoverable. s1 = sqrt(fM1[0,0] / fQ[0,0]) D1 = [s1] for i in range(1, N): D1.append(fM1[0, i] / (s1*fQ[0, i])) D1 = matrix.diagonal(C, D1) U1 = P * D1 * P**-1 U1 = Matrix(ZZ, [[round(col.real()) for col in row] for row in U1]) S1 = U1.T * M2 * U1 ss = hashlib.sha256(str(S1).encode()).digest() flag = bytes([x^y for x, y in zip(enc, ss)]) print(flag)

The flag is: ptm{1s_7h15_l1n34r_0r_qu4dr4t1c}

::: Made with (❤️ && 😭) by Mistsu :::
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