For a while now, after the death postponed activities of u0K++
, I've got a chance to join in idek
team (thanks lanleft
so much because I'm incredibly socially awkward...). I really like the guys there, they are so vibrant, fun and incredibly smart. I'm not any of those descriptions though, and so, in this CTF, I sliently watch them carry 😗
This challenge provides a some sort of Diffle-Hellman key exchange-ish- protocol in the form of 64x64
matrices in ZZ
. The premise is very straight-forward. You're given:
Q = B * B.tranpose()
, B
unknown and random.M1
, M2
generated from Q
and unknown matrices U1
, U2
:M1 = U1.transpose() * Q * U1
M2 = U2.transpose() * Q * U2
The challenge has 2 matrices S1
, S2
that act as the shared secrets to this protocol.
# Yeah, these 2 things are the same :3
S1 = U1.transpose() * M2 * U1
S2 = U2.transpose() * M1 * U2
It seems like the challenge would be impossible if the matrices U1
, U2
are any arbitary matrices, so a condition is added for their generation:
N = 64
def find_poly():
while True:
n = random.randint(2, N - 1)
d = gcd(N, n)
m = n // d
if m > 1 and not is_prime_power(m):
return cyclotomic_polynomial(n)
def circulant_gen():
h = 1
R = QuotientRing(ZZ[x], x^N - 1)
for i in range(100):
f = find_poly()
h = R(f * h)
v = h.list()
l = N - len(v)
for i in range(l):
M = matrix.circulant(v)
return M
# key exchange
U1 = circulant_gen()
U2 = circulant_gen()
Anyways, the goal is to recover flag
from its encrypted enc
value, which is created like this:
ss = hashlib.sha256(str(S1).encode()).digest()
enc = bytes([x^^y for x, y in zip(FLAG, ss)])
This challenge has my brain go buckeroo 😵💫, because I don't know what to focus on. At first, I thought the polynomials used to create the matrices Ux
has something important to do with all of this, but all of that just go to nowhere. My teammate A~Z
had an idea of using QuadraticForm
do something with the factorization of matrices, but I had no idea what that is (and still doesn't). After a while, he also abandoned that idea as well and realized the actual solution thanks to the suggestion of 蛋捲鯛魚燒
From here, let's just refer to matrices M1
, M2
as and U1
and U2
as .
In the end, it turns out everything just tie into the fact that matrices are circulant. For more details, you can visit this link. But for a recap, a circulant matrix is an nxn
matrix that has this form:
The circulant matrix has a bunch of properties, one of them is which allows this protocol to work (S1 == S2
). However, 蛋捲鯛魚燒
realized that it has a very special property:
Indeed, it turns out EVERY CIRCULANT MATRIX has the same set of (normalized) eigenvectors! Which means that given a circulant matrix , it doesn't matter what is, as long as it's circulant, we can know in 's diagonalization form . Quote Wikipedia:
However, we still doesn't know what is in this case. But here's the cool stuff: We can find through and . Let's write in terms of and :
What's great about this is that you can multiply to the left of and to the right of and you can see some sort of symmetry:
Let and now we have:
Because is a diagonal matrix, A~Z
has a very interesting insight:
After we get , we find , which then we can compute S1
-> ss
-> solve flag
from sage.all import *
from ast import literal_eval
import hashlib
# EVERY nxn circulant matrices has a fixed
# set of eigenvectors, which can be computed very
# easily based on the roots of unity.
N = 64
C = ComplexField(4096)
w = exp(2 * C(pi) * C(i) / N)
# Read outputs from file.
lines = open("output.txt", "r").readlines()
Q = Matrix(ZZ, N, N, literal_eval(lines[0]))
M1 = Matrix(ZZ, N, N, literal_eval(lines[1]))
M2 = Matrix(ZZ, N, N, literal_eval(lines[2]))
enc = bytes.fromhex(lines[3].strip())
# This allows us to diagonalize circulant
# matrices very easily.
# ( Let U1 = P D1 P^-1, U2 = P D2 P^-1 )
P = [[w**(i*j) for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)]
P = Matrix(C, P)
# But we don't want to diagonalize it,
# instead, we take advantage of this property:
# U = P D P^-1
# => U.T = P^-1.T D.T P.T
# = P^-1.T D P.T (since D.T == D)
# Let f(M) = P.T * M * P
# => f(M) = D * f(Q) * D
fQ = P.T * Q * P
fM1 = P.T * M1 * P
fM2 = P.T * M2 * P
# This means
# f(M)[i, i] = D[i, i]^2 * f(Q)[i, i]
# => D (or D1, D2) is recoverable.
# => U (or U1, U2) is recoverable.
s1 = sqrt(fM1[0,0] / fQ[0,0])
D1 = [s1]
for i in range(1, N):
D1.append(fM1[0, i] / (s1*fQ[0, i]))
D1 = matrix.diagonal(C, D1)
U1 = P * D1 * P**-1
U1 = Matrix(ZZ, [[round(col.real()) for col in row] for row in U1])
S1 = U1.T * M2 * U1
ss = hashlib.sha256(str(S1).encode()).digest()
flag = bytes([x^y for x, y in zip(enc, ss)])
The flag is: ptm{1s_7h15_l1n34r_0r_qu4dr4t1c}